Soften the blow of winter depression like I do. These makes you think, and feel good. Extra tip: @whereiwouldliketoread

A streetcar named desire by Tennessee Williams
Widow Basquiat by Jennifer Clement
Normal people by Sally Rooney
Everything i need to know about love by Dolly Alderton
On the road by Jack Kerouac
American isis by Carl Rollyson
My year of rest and relaxation by Ottessa Moshfegh
Less than zero by Brett Easton Ellis
Imperial bedrooms by Brett Easton Ellis
I'm with the band by Pamela des Barres
A thousand spelndid suns by Kahled Hosseini
The year of magical thinking by Joan Didion
The white album by Joan Didion
Room to dream by David Lynch and Kristine McKenna
Where the crawdads sing by Celia Owens
Ninth street women by Mary Gabriel
Just kids by Patti Smith
Chelsea girls by Eileen Myles
The blind watchmaker by Richard Dawkins
Into thin air by Jon Krakauer